How Much Do Hearing Aids Cost? Here’s What You Need to Know


How Much Do Hearing Aids Cost- Heres What You Need to Know.jpgPeople have many reasons for not wanting to invest in hearing aids. For many, however, the cost of these devices is actually the biggest concern. If you do a simple Google search, you might be shocked by some of the prices you see listed—both high and low. It might leave you scratching your head—just how much do hearing aids cost exactly?

The Simple Answer

“How much do hearing aids cost?” is a simple enough question on the surface—though the answer will vary depending on your specific hearing needs. Top-of-the-line hearing aids will cost you between $2,400-3,500 per ear. Depending on your hearing needs and the model you select, you could be looking at close to $5,000-7,000.

Of course, you could also choose mid-range or lower-end models. There are some very inexpensive models, which many people see as more affordable. Unfortunately, with hearing aids, the old saying “you get what you pay for” is very true: when you elect to purchase a lower-end model, you often forego more sophisticated features, such as direct-to-iPhone or Bluetooth connectivity, but also you can lose important benefits such as speech processing and performance in noisy situations/complex environments..

The Complicated Answer

If you want to delve deeper, the question of how much hearing aids actually cost has a more complex answer. There are numerous factors you need to consider when you’re researching the cost of hearing aids—make, model, options for customization, programming, features, and even your own hearing impact on how much your device will cost.

If your goals are hearing your best in as many situations and circumstances as possible, then you’ll likely want to consider better, more advanced hearing aid technology. You’ll likely benefit from advanced features that require more complicated programming and support from your audiologist. Usually more sophisticated technology provides better opportunity to hear as good as possible in a variety of situations such as having one-on-one conversations, hearing TV better, or hearing in complex environments like noisy restaurants.

Lastly, you also need to consider your needs: What do you want your hearing aid to do? If you love being outside, you want a device with noise cancellation programs designed to minimize wind. If you’re a sophisticated smart phone user who enjoys streaming music, audio files, or phone calls, then you may consider models that offer better connectivity to your smart phone or other technology you use or enjoy.

What’s Your Budget?

Most people consider one factor when they think about the cost of hearing aids: their budget. While this is an important factor in your decision, it can’t be the only criteria you use to make a choice. Make sure you fully understand the benefits and limitations of different levels of hearing aid technology before making a decision on cost alone.

Of course, people have different budget needs, just as they need different levels of support for hearing loss. Some people may be able to use insurance to assist with the purchase of hearing aids, which can help them purchase a model they wouldn’t otherwise consider. Some people may qualify for assistance programs designed to help people access life-improving technology such as hearing aids.

No matter what your budget is, there’s a solution for you.

So What Does It Really Cost?

Most people, if they get the hearing support they need, will look at paying around $4,000 to $6,000 for a pair of good-quality hearing aids. If you only need one device, you might pay only half of that.

Some people may pay less than that, but in most cases, they find purchasing hearing aids a difficult experience to navigate alone. Store-bought models may not come out of the box with programming and features designed to support your hearing loss, and they usually aren’t custom-fit for the wearer’s ear—making it uncomfortable to use them for long periods. Worse, you may not be able to find the ongoing service needed or support services everywhere—which can cause problems if you travel.

Instead, talk to your audiologist and find an individual and expert solution that works for you on every level. You can start by booking an appointment with Associated Audiologists today.
