Assistive Listening Devices Improve Hearing in Complex Environments

sound assist

For individuals who need extra help hearing, remote microphones, such as the Widex Sound Assist, can help give hearing aids a boost, making sounds clearer. Here’s how these devices work and how they can help. Imagine you’re sitting in a noisy restaurant during happy hour with a group of friends. Someone tells a joke. You laugh and nod, like you … Read More

Three Tips to Hear Better in Public Spaces

With the pandemic in the rear-view mirror for the most part, we’re getting back out in public and enjoying activities with groups of people, like dining out in restaurants, attending church services, and going to parties or conferences. And while it’s fun to return to pre-pandemic life and enjoy one another’s company, frequenting these types of environments also can be … Read More

New Research Indicates Hearing Loss Can Increase Fatigue in People Over 40

Audiologists often see patients who say that struggling to hear on a daily basis literally wears them out. Now a new study recently published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, suggests people with hearing loss aren’t just imagining it. They are nearly twice as likely to experience daily fatigue compared to those with normal hearing, even after adjusting for demographics, … Read More

Can You Hear Me Now?

The holidays are a busy time for gatherings with family and friends. Unfortunately, for those with hearing loss, a common and frustrating question at these events often is, “Can you hear me now?” While family and friends without hearing loss may not have problems hearing one another, if you have hearing loss and wear hearing aids, you may struggle more … Read More

How Remote Mics Can Help You Hear Better

If you have hearing loss, you likely have problems hearing and understanding speech. And even if you wear hearing aids, they sometimes may not be enough to help you hear and understand what is being communicated in some complex settings. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, that’s because often, turning the volume up on your hearing aids isn’t … Read More