What is Auditory Processing Disorder?

Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorders can negatively impact the brain’s ability to interpret sounds, resulting in a frustrating listening experience for individuals with the condition. Better understanding of APD is needed, as well as possible treatment options. According to the Academy of Doctors of Audiology, auditory processing disorders (APDs) are referred to by many names: central auditory processing disorders, auditory perceptual disorders, … Read More

Assistive Listening Devices Improve Hearing in Complex Environments

sound assist

For individuals who need extra help hearing, remote microphones, such as the Widex Sound Assist, can help give hearing aids a boost, making sounds clearer. Here’s how these devices work and how they can help. Imagine you’re sitting in a noisy restaurant during happy hour with a group of friends. Someone tells a joke. You laugh and nod, like you … Read More

New Survey Shows Many People Don’t Use Assistive Listening Technology

A recent survey conducted by the Committee for Communication Access in America sheds new light on who uses assistive listening systems and why. Read on to learn more about these findings, as well as the types of assistive listening systems available to improve your listening experience. Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), assistive listening systems (ALS) … Read More

It’s a New Year. Is it Time for New Hearing Aids?

As we ring in 2024, after attending holiday gatherings, one of the questions you may be asking yourself is, “Am I hearing as well as I could be?” To answer that question, start with a comprehensive hearing evaluation performed by a doctoral-level audiologist. A hearing evaluation should include a thorough discussion of your symptoms, medical history, medication review and any … Read More

Three Tips to Hear Better in Public Spaces

With the pandemic in the rear-view mirror for the most part, we’re getting back out in public and enjoying activities with groups of people, like dining out in restaurants, attending church services, and going to parties or conferences. And while it’s fun to return to pre-pandemic life and enjoy one another’s company, frequenting these types of environments also can be … Read More

Are Patients Truly Satisfied with Their Hearing Aids?

Let’s face it. Hearing aids are an investment in your health, and one you want to be sure is well worth it. So, how do you know if you’ll be satisfied with your hearing aids? It’s hard to make any guarantees. After all, much depends on the professional you work with, the type of hearing aids you purchase, your specific … Read More

Can You Hear Me Now?

The holidays are a busy time for gatherings with family and friends. Unfortunately, for those with hearing loss, a common and frustrating question at these events often is, “Can you hear me now?” While family and friends without hearing loss may not have problems hearing one another, if you have hearing loss and wear hearing aids, you may struggle more … Read More

Audiology Awareness Month

If you’ve noticed you’re having difficulty hearing lately, you may be looking for someone who can help you understand what’s going on with your hearing, why you’re having problems, and if there’s help available. The good news is there are many types of professionals who care for people with problems related to their ears and hearing. But an audiologist is … Read More

Don’t Wait Until End of Year to Get Hearing Checked

The clock is ticking down on 2023, and though there are still a few weeks left on the calendar, if you’re considering having your hearing checked and possibly buying prescription hearing aids soon, you should schedule that appointment now. Why? Because typically, end-of-the-year appointments are hard to come by. Many individuals wait until the last minute to schedule a variety … Read More

May is Better Hearing Month—An Audiologist’s Role in Helping You Hear

May is Better Hearing Month and the perfect time to learn more about audiologists, the healthcare professionals who can help determine whether you have a hearing loss, and can help you hear your best. What is an audiologist? An audiologist is a degreed professional who specializes in the diagnosis and non-medical treatment of hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders. Audiologists … Read More