According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), injuries from falls cost $50 billion every year—a greater burden on the healthcare system than obesity or smoking. If this trend continues, the CDC estimates that approximately 50 million falls will occur annually in adults over age 65 by the year 2030. Like falls, hearing loss is also very common in individuals … Read More
Is Your Hearing Quietly Slipping Away?
It’s almost spring. You used to love the sound of the robins singing, the wind gently whistling through the trees, and the crunch of the gravel under your feet during a walk. But gradually, those sounds have slipped away from you—not all at once. It’s been a barely perceptible change. But when someone recently commented on the birds singing, you … Read More
What Is Tinnitus and How Do I Know if I Have It?
You’ve just gone to a concert where the volume seemed over-the-top. When you returned home, you noticed a constant high-pitched hissing noise that didn’t stop. A few days later, you continued to notice the annoying hissing, especially when it’s quiet, like when you would lie down to go to sleep at night. You could live with it, but you hadn’t … Read More
How to Create Your Own Blue Zones
So maybe, after learning about blue zones, you’ve decided you’d like to live a healthier, longer life, too. But you don’t live in Ikaria, Greece or Sardinia, Italy. You live in Kansas City, a community known less for healthy lifestyles and more for barbeque. That’s no excuse though. One of Dan Buettner’s goals when he began studying the blue zones … Read More
How What You Eat may be Connected to Diabetes and Hearing Loss
When studying the five communities originally associated with the blue zones, diet quickly emerged as an important connection to a longer, healthier life. Surprisingly, diet also can play a key role for someone with hearing loss. How is it possible that what you eat is connected to how well you hear? One answer is diabetes. This is probably one of … Read More
How is Hearing Connected to Blue Zones?
Central to the blue zones concept is the fact that in each of the communities where people age so well, these individuals don’t live in isolation. Instead, they stay connected—connected to their spouse, children and extended family, friends and community. But in the United States and other industrialized countries where older adults are more isolated, depression, loneliness and even dementia … Read More
What Are Blue Zones and Why Are They Important?
Just 100 years ago, it was considered a remarkable milestone for someone to celebrate their 100th birthday. Today, thanks to advancing medical technology and better health care, there are more centenarians than ever. But what’s their secret to a long life, and even more important, how can they not just add years to their life, but life to their years? … Read More
Analyzing the AARP Article on OTCs
A little more than a year ago, over-the-counter hearing aids officially arrived in the U.S. consumer market, creating concern among hearing professionals and confusion among consumers. The original legislation that made OTCs a reality had good intentions—to make hearing aids more accessible and affordable, but the jury is still out on where things stand in that regard. In this blog, … Read More
Can a “Cup of Joe” Affect Your Hearing?
Coffee is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world, aside from water. It helps millions of people wake up first thing in the morning or stay awake during an afternoon slump. In fact, the caffeine that’s such an essential ingredient in coffee, is a natural substance that works by stimulating the brain and central nervous system, helping you stay … Read More
Plan Your Healthcare Expenses for 2024
It isn’t always possible to plan your health care expenses. After all, life happens and an emergency might cause you to shift your budget from one expense to another. But as we age, we often know there are certain health care expenses that need to be made in a calendar year. For example, you may know you have cataracts and … Read More